Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Some people say there is no easy way to stop smoking. Yet people who have successfully quit will often tell you that it was easy, when they look back. Often, they tried many times before and failed - they went back to smoking after a few days, weeks, or months. But that one time, they stopped without much trouble, and never started again. So what made it easy that time?...
Most smokers want to stop and if there was a magic method or supplement that worked for everybody, there would probably only be a couple of smokers left in the world. So it's pretty clear that whatever methods may be suggested, they do not work for all of the people who try them, every time.
Finding the easy way is often just a matter of doing it at the right time. This means that instead of deciding you will quit tomorrow, or next week, or on January 1st, you should act any time when you feel a strong desire to quit.
This moment may come when you are sick, when your kid says something to you that makes you feel ashamed, or just one day for no apparent reason. It might be right now. It will not just be a vague wish that you didn't smoke, but something stronger, a real emotional motive.

For most people that is what makes it easy one time when it never was before: they simply did it at the right moment. You have probably had these times in the past and ignored them. This time, do not push this moment away and try to forget it, but act on it. When it comes, stop right now.

Your motivation may still go up and down but you can be sure that you can make it through. You need to keep on thinking positively. Remind yourself how great it is to be a non-smoker. After a few days, you will find it is easier to sit through a long movie or plane journey without getting anxious and wishing for the end so that you could smoke. Be aware of how much more enjoyable your life is getting, and remind yourself of it often.

People who use aids like nicotine replacement, hypnosis, or any kind of therapy or support group usually do better than those who do not. It may be that their willingness to spend money on these things is a sign of higher commitment. These things can help you to keep your motivation high.

Most people have activities that remind them of smoking. Go ahead and avoid these activities for a couple of weeks if it helps. It is a good idea to give up alcohol temporarily, not only because you probably associate it with smoking, but because your motivation will be much lower when you have had a couple of drinks. You may also need to avoid certain places or even certain friends.

At the same time, you should not stay home alone with nothing to do. Quitting smoking can be a little like losing a friend: you will grieve, and you need to try to occupy your mind, your hands and your time. Take up a hobby that involves using your hands, such as woodworking or quilting, or make a list of things that need fixing around the house and do them one by one.

Drinking a small glass of water every time you have a craving is a great way to avoid overeating. Or simply notice how quickly a craving disappears. You may be surprised. Even if you do nothing to satisfy it, the strongest craving will vanish within 90 seconds. Sure it comes back, but 90 seconds is not long to hold out each time.

If you have a lot of anger coming out and you are taking it out on your friends and family, do not use that as an excuse to give up your resolve. Your irritability is only temporary. It may seem that your friends would be better off if you started smoking again, but that is not true. They are way better off without you blowing smoke into the air that they breathe.

In the end, the easy way to stop smoking is any way that works for you - when you do it at the right time.

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